This course emphasizes the development of literacy, communication, and critical and creative thinking skills that are necessary for success in academic and daily life. Students will analyse challenging literary texts from a variety of countries and periods; interpret a range of informational and media texts; produce a variety of creative, persuasive, and analytical written and media texts; and apply their knowledge of effective oral communication skills in a variety of formal and informal contexts. The course focuses on clear expression, precision in the use of language, and the effective use of stylistic devices.


  • Unit 1

    TTYL, LOL, BRB are all short, but complete ideas‒as are the texts in this unit. You will explore various strategies used in short stories, one-act plays, poems, and song lyrics. Afterwards, you will be invited not only to analyse, but also to create a short text of your own … something short and sweet. By doing so, you will appreciate more the words in a song and in a play.

  • Unit 2

    Think about your favourite stories. Maybe you identified with one of the characters or maybe the author’s message touched you in some way. Although the novels in this unit are fiction, the stories they tell relate to real life. In this unit, you will read William Golding’sLord of the Flies,as well as your choice of independent novel, in order to develop important literacy, metacognitive, and multimedia skills. You will learn and apply organizational skills which will allow you to effectively develop critical reading and thinking skills. What a novel idea!

  • Unit 3

    Do you want to be heard? There are different approaches that exist, some of which are highly effective at convincing others of your ideas. In this unit, you will learn and apply several methods of persuasion through a multimedia presentation and an essay. It’s time for you to speak out!

  • Unit 4

    Have you ever thought about what motivates people? What causes people to act? Power, greed, romance, values ... People are also sometimes influenced by external factors such as peers, family, or even the supernatural. These real and fantastical elements are brought to life in the plays Macbeth and The Crucible. Beware. Be … witched!

  • Unit 5

    This unit is the final summative evaluation for the course. You will write a comparative literary essay on elements studied throughout the previous unit. It's time to sum up what you've learned!

Comment s'inscrire?

Un choix de cours doit être planifié. On doit d’abord consulter la liste de cours en ligne en visitant le site web du CAVLFO.

Une fois les cours sélectionnés, l’élève prend rendez-vous avec le personnel en orientation de son école pour en discuter et pour compléter le processus d’inscription.

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