This course is designed to extend the range of oral communication, reading, writing, and media literacy skills that students need for success in secondary school and daily life. Students will study and create a variety of informational, literary, and graphic texts. An important focus will be on the consolidation of strategies and processes that help students interpret texts and communicate clearly and effectively. This course is intended to prepare students for the compulsory Grade 11 college or workplace preparation course.


  • Driver's Manual

    In this unit, you will be provided with an overview to the Informational Texts unit. A pre-test on driving and a journal activity will allow you to reflect on what you already know about driving. You will also participate in writing exercises that will encourage you to express your opinions about issues related to driving. Special focus is placed on drivers' rights and responsibilities. You will use both words and graphics to record and organize your ideas. A post-test on driving will allow you to determine how much you have learned about the topic through the unit.

  • Communicating In The Real World

    In this unit, you will solidify your understanding of researching, forming opinions, and writing formal paragraphs through exploring and communicating the benefits of volunteering. You will also participate in a discussion activity and paragraph writing activity to demonstrate the importance of good speaking and listening skills. Through preparing a presentation related to volunteering, you will learn how to research, plan, and prepare for effective presentations.

  • Descriptive and Narrative Texts

    In this unit, you will write a free verse poem to demonstrate understanding of the genre. You will also explore the use of figurative language in songs and the effectiveness of these literary devices. Finally, you will explore the teleplay genre and demonstrate understanding of the form and structure of the teleplay.

  • The Yellow Brick Road

    In this unit, you will be introduced to the Independent Novel Study, discuss reasons for your choice of novel, apply pre-reading strategies and solidify your understanding of character and conflict mapping as well as theme development. You will also demonstrate understanding of the novel and apply your knowledge to another genre (ie. letter writing, journaling).

Comment s'inscrire?

Un choix de cours doit être planifié. On doit d’abord consulter la liste de cours en ligne en visitant le site web du CAVLFO.

Une fois les cours sélectionnés, l’élève prend rendez-vous avec le personnel en orientation de son école pour en discuter et pour compléter le processus d’inscription.

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