In this course, students study and analyze communication formats, structures, and styles in the world of business. Once they understand the different elements and techniques in this type of writing, they create examples to showcase their knowledge and apply their skills.
Vocabulary and Ideas from the World of Business
In this module, students are required to choose a product or service and to highlight the different ideas and marketing tools learned. They apply their skills in a pitch, “Dragon’s Den” style. The concept allows for students to truly focus their energy on the vocabulary needed in the business world, while improving their speaking and writing skills.
Business Communication Formats
Throughout this module, students will study different formats of business communication. Based on the different formats they explore, students will be required to produce an original business communication based on a specific workplace situation to report, analyze, and create the specific communication they need to promote a healthy and positive workplace.
Communicating on Business Issues
Throughout this module, students examine different methods of communicating concerning business issues through the use of business surveys, forms, online reviews, and other two-way communication techniques. Students are required to use the knowledge acquired about business communication by preparing a report and a survey with the goal of resolving a workplace interpersonal issue.
Diving into Business
Throughout this module, students will have the opportunity to discover the different paths to entrepreneurship and various business careers available today and are expected to be in the future, and how businesses can learn to adapt to the many challenges of a constantly changing world.
Comment s'inscrire?
Un choix de cours doit être planifié. On doit d’abord consulter la liste de cours en ligne en visitant le site web du CAVLFO.
Une fois les cours sélectionnés, l’élève prend rendez-vous avec le personnel en orientation de son école pour en discuter et pour compléter le processus d’inscription.
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